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Why We Do This...

Helping each other can make world better

Hello Everyone,

Many of you know that we lost my brother, Danny to cancer in August 2021.  This was a devastating loss to our entire family, all of his friends, and to everyone who knew him.

With the one year anniversary that just past on 8/20/22, the thought of getting through the day seemed impossible.  We will never forget what happened on that day and will always have a piece of our heart missing.  Rather than dwelling in sadness on the anniversary I thought that we could come together and do something positive.

Danny was passionate about protecting women, especially children from human trafficking and other horrible circumstances.  Many months ago he had a dream.  When he woke up he told Vicky, his wife, that he knew he had to find a charity for this, and to make a sizable donation to help.

It just seemed appropriate to organize an annual walk, “Danny’s Walk to Save the Children,” to raise money for this important and meaningful charity.  While walking to help NCMEC, we are also helping each other by honoring Danny and keeping his memory alive.  Every year we can now look to this day as a day of remembrance, love, hope and charity, and in some way, it will help us also to walk the life we have now with Danny in Heaven.

Thank you for being a part of our Team, and our family.

Much love,

Katherine (Danny’s Sister) 


Participants In 2022


Goal for Participants In 2023

$2,8 0

Funds We Collected

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Helping each other can make world better

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